Promotion and development of transnational communication

Istria County

Istria County

Activities of Istria County within the AdriaMuse project include the development of promotional material and transnational communication.

Promotion and development of transnational communication

Activities of Istria County within the AdriaMuse project include the development of promotional material and transnational communication. Other important objectives are networking activities of tour operators and cultural workers, as well as networking museums by expanding IT support, and promoting museums and their events. Promotional materials that Istria County will prepare comprise the communication strategy, project logo and book of standards, multi-lingual brochures, leaflet, project web site, film and documentary film on the project, as well as videogames for children with the theme of Istrian museums. The production of a communication strategy and new logo with an accompanying book of standards will be co-financed for the Historical and Naval Museum of Istria. As for the organization of events "Museums beyond their walls", support will be provided to all interested museums in organizing such events throughout Istria, as well as including them in the Euromuse network.

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