Calendar of public events in the project partners' regions

Calendar of public events

Calendar of public events

This event calendar shows the richness of events staged by the local
communities living in the Adriamuse partner areas throughout an entire calendar
year. Some events, specially those that celebrates some unique aspect of the
community, are fixed to particular days and some are moveable or completely rescheduled from year to year.

This list is not exhaustive list since it concentrates on periodic events lasting for several days like:
★Traditional performing Arts (music, theater, dance)
★Street Performance
★Culinary events
★Trade fairs
★Traditional fairs
★Film festival
★Sport Competitions
Some events have been celebrated originally by the local community before becoming international tourist attractions.
Some events address a wide and heterogeneous public and some are real niche products for a restricted number of fans traveling from all over the world to participate.


