Communicating the Museum* - Collections, Community, Audience is an initiative focusing on the development of museum communication techniques and practices, which was promoted and supported by the IBC and designed by BAM! Strategie Culturali.
The second edition of Communicating the Museum* was presented on 8 February at the Sala Polivalente of the Emilia-Romagna region (Via Aldo Moro, 50).
The presentation day featured a special guest: Chiara Bernasconi from the Digital Media Department of the MoMA of New York, who introduced the themes discussed during the training session. The meeting focused on the digital strategy experience of the MoMA, and also featured some examples of projects with low budget participation, which can also be implemented by small ecomuseums.
The event was also an opportunity to get the participants of the first edition to directly speak about the progress status of the awarded projects and the results achieved through network communication.